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News Articles

This page is designed to share articles related to how the brain works for ALL learners with a special emphasis on 'Teaching and Learning’ for Dual, Multiple Language and At-Risk Learners.

ENF’s mission is to disseminate information that supports new learning processes for diverse learners and their families, worldwide! 

We encourage our guests to send us current articles they discover or have written related to the new field of Education Neuroscience - Theory to Practice! 


Defying the Odds, Parents of Dual Language Learners Achieve the Impossible


Distance Learning and Adolescent Dual Language Learners-- What is Really Needed?

Tech companies rush to fill the gap when students are forced to learn from home.  Is this the best way for DLLs to learn? What does the research reveal about online distance learning and Middle School?


Covid-19 and Adolescent Dual Language Learners

Social/Emotional interactions are the key to learning especially for teenage Dual Language Learners. Will DLLs continue to learn during a Covid lockdown? If yes, what do educators and parents need to do to ensure everyone student’s academic survival?


Authentic Dual Language Learning: It’s All About the Brain

Scientific research has opened new avenues for Authentic Bilingualism and Biliteracy development for all learners.  Learn how to Teach according to ‘ How the Brain Learns’ languages and increase every students cognitive capacity, reading and writing proficiency and comprehension.

© The Education Neuroscience Foundation LLC.

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